What do your favourite pyjamas tell about your character?

What does your choice of pyjamas say about your character? What does it show about your personality? A favourite nightwear is the clothing every woman can’t do without. Our choices and preferences of nightwear can also be very telling of certain aspects of our personality. On a first glance, the clothing that you sleep in doesn’t matter that much; but it actually has its own secret meaning that can show interesting aspects about you.


If your favourite nightwear is a t-shirt and shorts, you are a person that likes discipline in their life. You are friendly with everybody, always smiling, bright, dedicated and hard-working. You like sport, you are active and always on the move. The seldom moments in which you are in one place are during the night, when you are resting in your bedroom. In the other parts of the day, you are true powerhouse, that cannot be stopped!


Are you sleeping with a set, a top with long sleeves and pants? If your favourite thing to wear at night is the classic top with long sleeves and a simple bottom (with a delicate or small decoration), it means you do not like big or extravagant things. You are a pragmatic, confident person. You know exactly what you want and how to achieve it without relying on outside help, and only with your own skills and abilities. You are an example for the people around you for a determined, practical and responsible person. You like comfort and security at home and with your relationships with others, which makes you a preferred company for communication.


Satin is the ultimate symbol of luxury, sensitivity, and lust. If your favourite nightwear is a short satin gown, you have without a doubt an exciting personality. You love yourself, your body, and you are not afraid to show it! On the contrary, you show your confidence and walk with your head held up high. You are not afraid of challenges in your life, even if sometimes they end up not exactly how you imagined them. Despite mishaps you always get up and continue ahead, learning from your mistakes. That shows you are a strong and persistent person, with a character of a true warrior. Life is wonderful and you are able to enjoy it at every moment.


If you wear a mid-length nightgown to bed, you have a very balanced personality. You don’t like extremes in your life, not in your personal nor professional aspects. It is important for you to be reasonable in every sense. The golden mean is your ultimate goal, and you believe that you will find your happiness there.


If you prefer a long gown, you have impeccable style and class. It is of high priority for you to look elegant when you are at home, in bed or just sitting on the couch. Your perfectionism is one of your most distinguishable qualities. Sometimes you may seem very precise and even meticulous, but that is only what you choose to show of your personality to the outside world. On the inside, you are very sensitive and romantic person, which you only show to the people closest to you.


Are you wearing a nightgown with a sexy back? Your second name is lust and seduction. You love challenges, and you do not stop until you reach your goals. This model of nightgown suits brave ladies, which are ambitious, precise, and always strive to look good and fit. You love compliments, and you love when you can feel the stare of your partner on you; that is why you like dressing up in seductive outfits, even when you are home.

Nightgown with a robe - you don’t only love comfort, but also to be always elegant, no matter what you are wearing. That is not 100% true, though, because you pick very carefully what you wear and have in your wardrobe - from your underwear and nightgown to the jacket on your coat rack. What you wear to bed is not just any clothing to you; it portrays your personality, style and luxurious taste. The robe is the element which gives you a finished, elegant look, and that is why it is essential part of your clothing at home.


At the end, whatever sleep wear you choose, the most important thing is to feel great, comfortable and completely yourself. In our online shop you will find wide selection of beautiful products, soft colours, and in a range of sizes of sleep wear to choose from. You can explore the different styles of night wear that would suit you, your personality and make you feel your best self.


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